Eat That Frog With A Pomodoro:

Taiba Tahir
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Time management is the skill of dividing the time properly between different activities in order to complete our tasks in time. The major hurdle in time management is our habit of procrastination. We used to delay our important tasks which need to be done urgently and waste our time in something least important. We are not in the habit of prioritizing our tasks which is very important for accomplishing our goals.

To deal with this problem there is a technique named “Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro”. In this technique we have to do our task by setting the alarm of 25 min, in that time we have to be fully focused on our task and don’t let any distraction to divert us. After the alarm tings take 3–5 min break and repeat the process. I performed that technique in completing my course, and found it very useful. In the start it was difficult for me to remain fully focused because I used to be distracted easily, but I tried my level best to pay full attention in studying the course. My mobile pop with messages but I didn’t check it and continue to study. After some time, it became easier for me to focus on course. When timer tings, I took a break of 5 minutes and then again set the alarm of 25 minutes. I realized that I cover a large part of course in 25 minutes, which will not be possible without full attention. Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro technique helps me in completing the course in time. I liked that technique a lot and I will definitely use it in future for practicing to remain focused and completing my tasks in time.

